Ten years, and was not to bathe. Turkish submarine
destroyed torpedo-fired missile tanker flotilla, to prove
Zone joint exercises and adopted as write in the newspapers, the group
educational goals. Many environmentalists from around the world thought that it is
this event on a par with similar scale disasters precipitated
Fracture ...
On the horizon burning sea, and here at the Bank, under his legs,
dying seagull. Scratch spread wings powerless to blurry
Sticky black dog rocks beak open and closed. He
bent to raise it, walk away with ... I saw another ... Dozens,
Hundreds of birds and fish were lying right by the water, waves and waves obleplyali
their body motionless brilliant film of oil.
The corridor, evenly illuminated bright phosphorescent stripes
ceiling and walls - megakoloniyami artificially derived bacteria -
luminophores. Obvious example of prudence with respect
precious solar and nuclear energy. Habitual spectacle at a time
when the currency for the inter-state (or, as it is now accepted
say «transpolisnyh») calculations have become spacecraft - kilowatt-credits.
Money's new peace secured not only useless gold stock
Formally existing States, and the cumulative resources
modern corporate empires.
Such as «Neotech», whose emblem, black spiral similar to the
schematic drawing whirlpool, alternated on the walls of the
corridor with transparent, podsvechennymi boxing from the inside, bearing
numbers and explanatory plaques. Inside, suspended in
A invisible grip of a loaded field in physiological solution,
have been the most outstanding products of factories and laboratories,
Vladimir Beluge belonging.
This modest in scope, but must exhibit content
was smug pride director general. And, as for example,
today, appear at his guests and business partners.
-- Mr. Sakamuro expresses its admiration. Beluga bowed
head and smiled politely. Mr.
Sakamuro, zheltolitsaya mummy sitting in the perfect black dress,
expressed his admiration for three times already. This time, standing in front of an exhibit
23 - A. «Skeleton, muscular system and elements of protein armour
barrier cyber-amphibians «Charybdis».
-- Speak to Mr. Sakamuro that I fully share his emotions.
This model has proven itself well on the tests that
fall. The representative «Misato» Hitori Sir, if I am not mistaken,
reacted very positively about it.
«I knew you would, girl, but I had to pay this Zen -
Hitori monkeys that he repeated his withdrawal in front of your Council
Japanese translator accompanied secretary, a middle-aged woman,
whose aims Asian features thought to the idea
Plastic surgeons intervention, and rezkovatye traffic - about
overall re nervous system. Turning to his patron,
it is slowly vyderzhivaya long pause, talking.
Mr. Sakamuro listened carefully, in the emptiness morgaya
snail centuries. Just slowly responded. Beluga heard the name
Hitori and worried.
As it turned out, not without reason.
-- Mr. Sakamuro regrets that he has to talk about
this. Former representative of the interests «Misato Industries» Eurasia
Ritsuko Hitori, at the beginning of December, was forced to leave the occupied them
post because of the reorganization of the company. A few days later, he
committed suicide, leaving his office in his resignation.
«Here are you and restructuring - thought Beluga. -- But how do they
opngm `kh?»
Sakamuro looked at the master «Neoteha» at close range. I very quickly
said something, almost no razzhimaya colorless lips.
-- He rushed into the sea. The body was never found. -- Japanese
added a few more words and zameshkalas translator for a second. --
Mr. Sakamuro said that it benefited from sharks.
Beluga looked into the eyes of one of the five Directors of the WPK «Misato».
Young and clear, that strangers wrinkled flesh, this pergamentnomu
person. «Cloning ban worth at least then, that these are the
monsters not lived up to one hundred ten years - he thought. -- How much
kilograms own flesh neperesazhennoy you typed in, but
-- My condolences to the family of Mr. Hitori - earnestly told
Vladimir Beluga. -- It was a pleasure to work.
There were other assumptions about the causes of the disaster.
«theory of evolution cycles, "rozuelskaya version» all
religious nonsense, most of it anyway. What is the difference,
Why did it happen? Nature has given man kicks, which he has long
already earned.
He and others think so, too. Because their choice. Notorious
Skeptics, fans debunker, gourmets irrefutable facts. They
raised in the growth and threw on the facts, as a hostile reception. They died,
zahlebyvayas blood, but did not want to believe it. Shot in the temple, cut
veins, thrown into the sea and left in the Step, not only would see no
think. Do not know.
Those who survived and saw the truth with your own eyes, too, left.
«Specter» in the network, vagrants and street at the bottom of knights,
Forsiz for hermit. They had their own cause. They saw and knew.
But could not remember.
A smile without the cat, a shadow of emptiness. They gave us the key, but
door lock and stole it ... I am five years, I podnoshu to ear
shell, which is the noise waves, but there is no sea. I have hundreds of homes and
long crying in the yard. Now I have the sea, and this More Tears.
-- Let me introduce our novelty - Director «Neoteha» made
wide hand gesture towards the transparent fluid filled
Aquarium. -- Biokostyum combat diver «Triton-4». Sample different
Reinforced ekzoskeletom from previous, less time to adapt
the holders of that is about a half minutes. And most importantly, bridged
last major disadvantage model. Now ion happening
directly through the fabric dress. This solves the problem with
supplying sufficient quantity of oxygen carrier. Thanks
changed by a maximum diving depth was
increased by half.
By missing Japanese mind, it was difficult to understand whether there is to it
case to a maximum depth of immersion. But he stayed,
asked for something, looking indifferent towards.
-- Mr. Sakamuro wondered whether the increased strength
booking this model?
It was a sick question, Beluga podobralsya internally before
-- Our experts believe that this is characteristic
meet the demand.
Having listened to the translation, the Japanese issued a dry and laughter, leaving behind a few
words moved further along the corridor.
-- Mr. Sakamuro recommends that you dismiss your expert --
silently translator said. -- The third generation metaakul
perekusyvaet dvuhdyuymovoy monovolokonnoy thickness of the cable sheath.
Cnqondhm Sakamuro does not want to make a shark feed its people.
Director «Neoteha» considered for the best silent.
«Sbivaet price, narrow-eyed - he thought, looking directly as
bamboo stick, the back the Japanese. -- There will, dear. Three weeks before
The breakthrough spring. Passion does not look like gobbling it up, and you and your
plankton. With no potorgueshsya sharks. Yet himself came not Sent
someone younger, - he said himself, when Japanese still silently
stopped in front of regular «showcase». -- Is that perekuplyu as
Hitori? Or attached such importance to this order, that it can not
anyone to trust? Or ... something else?»
Delivered these words to myself, Beluga realized that he does not know why
and why the old spider Sakamuro personally came to the continent, which is not
has never happened over a long period of cooperation
companies. Do not know, but guess.
I guess they did not bring it for the sound. So that
he wants to immediately share them with the head of his department
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